Catching up on Live Journal

This past week has has been amazingly insane, so I haven’t had the chance to read LJ at all. Things aren’t better in that regard, although I have been making progress on some of the items on my todo list…. but I needed a break, so I took some time off and read through seven days worth of LJ entries all at once.

One of the things which really struck me after doing all of this reading is how much so many of the entries relate to feelings, concerns, in my own life. From folk’s struggling/angsting over love, money, life goals, etc., to the (admittedly rarer) entries about life’s successes and joys, it really shows that in the many ways that count, there are so many ways in which are hopes and dreams are all the same. The love and compassion that this inspires me to feel towards others also spills over to myself, and that’s a good thing.

So why don’t I post more often? Why am I not willing to reveal myself to others in the same way that many of the people on my friends list are willing to do to others? Partially, it’s because I’m too busy, and if I’m going to post an entry, I’m liable to want to spend a lot of time polishing it until I’m satisfied. Partially, it’s because I’m a bit more of a private person, and sharing on a public forum doesn’t come easily to me. This sometimes makes me feel a bit like a voyeur at a party who looks at others interacting, but for whatever reason doesn’t feel comfortable joining in. What to do about it? I’m not sure. But naming and identifying the issue is certainly the first step…