New York City

I goofed; I missed the last couple of LSB conference calls due to my being terminally busy, and it turns out the LSB meeting was moved to Tuesday (tomorrow). If I had known that, I could have taken the train down to NYC today, instead of getting into the City one day earlier. It also would have made my weekend much less stressful. Oops. On the other hand, it did mean that I got a lot of chores done on Sunday that I otherwise probably would have otherwise procrastinated, so it wasn’t all bad.

My god…. it's full of todo items

The good news: I’ve started making a todo list, which helps me to be more efficient. The bad news: looking at the large number of items on it is causing me to stress out very badly….. The trick is to pretend 90% of the items on my todo list, aren’t; unless I get tempted to flitter away time, at which point I need to look at the whole list again.

Happy birthday, me.

Wow. I hadn’t realized until I looked at that last post that today’s my birthday. I had allowed it to completely slip my mind, what with all of the work that I have on my plate.

I’m not sure what that says about me; but it’s almost certainly not good.

Well, only five more minutes of my birthday. I’ll have to find some way of celebrating.

Happy birthday, me.


First post!

OK, so I’ve done it. I’ve broken down and started doing the public journal / blog thing. I used to think that pouring one’s feelings in a public forum for all to see was either arrogant (Are my ramblings really worth publishing for all the world to see? Do I really want to bore people with tidbits out of my life?) or involved more exhibitionism than I was comfortable with (that Not Being My Kink).