Split-screen focusing for Canon

Rachel Katz is an optical engineer who is selling a split-prism focusing screen for Canon cameras (10D, 20D, Digital Rebel, Digital Rebel XT). It looks like this started as some custom work for an Sigma SD-10 owner, but it’s since blossomed into a business with its own website. So for only a hundred bucks or so, I can get my camera to be much more reliable at manual focusing, with the only downside being that the spot/partial (but not evaluative or center-weighted) metering will be slightly off (pictures will be slightly overexposed if you don’t compensate).

A good day….

Hmm, I haven’t updated my LJ in a while, mainly because I’ve been insanely busy. I pulled my first all-nighter on Monday in quite a while, working on a paper for the Usenix conference in June. Then Tuesday I was up until Midnight finishing up final version of the paper, and getting my taxes done and filed. (Thank goodness New Englanders get an extra day this year to file taxes due to Patriot’s day!